A blur. A comfort zone. A growing me.
Summer of 2020:
I went on a girls trip to Nashville.
I fell in love with Nashville.
Fall of 2020:
I went on a hiking trip that changed my life.
“These past six months of my life have been extremely challenging.
During the pandemic, I was evacuated from Peace Corps Jamaica—something that was a longtime dream of mine and that I had planned to be the next stepping stone of my career.
These past few months, I’ve been grieving this loss. A loss of an experience that I thought would change me and how I see the world.
All the while, trying to take “myself” out of this pandemic—so many people have been impacted and we as a world will never be the same from all of the events that have occurred during 2020.
I still consider myself to be an optimistic person but I can say that this year has been shit.
That doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been silver linings. I’ve been able to heal and grow closer with family members and close friends, decided to get my Yoga Teacher Certification and I have had more time for personal healing, self-reflection and writing.
However, my mental health has been struggling. I’ve always been an empathic person whose mood fluctuates with what’s going on in the world. I’ve realized that this isn’t a weakness—I don’t need to be bright and shiny all the time for people to accept me. At least I’m learning this along the way.
This is me.
Well, me after my life plans have taken a dramatic shift.
I still want to help the world—I’ve always known that.
I feel like I’ve had a setback being evacuated by the Peace Corps. Spending my summer with the expectation that I was going back in the fall.
I feel behind.
I’m learning that my best is good enough and that so many things happening are out of my control.
Although my Peace Corps journey was cut short, Jamaica will always hold a special place in my heart and I hope to return one day.
I can say that I am FINALLY ready for the next chapter of my life and I am grateful for the opportunity to discover what that holds.”
Winter 2020:
I worked my ass off.
I fell in love.
I applied to a graduate school program at Vanderbilt University that encompassed everything I’ve ever wanted to do.
Hopeful but unsure of being accepted.
Spring 2021:
I fell in love with myself. My life.
I worked my ass off.
I got accepted into the Community Development and Action program at Vanderbilt University. Everyone I talked to explaining what I wanted to do told me “good luck.”
I expanded and grew in my yoga practice.
I fell deeper in love.
Summer 2021:
I felt grateful.
Uneasy about leaving my comfort zone and incredible support system in Michigan, but knowing that this move—this program—was what I needed to achieve the future career goals that I want to accomplish and essential for my growth.
Scared about a new beginning.
But excited for what would come.